Students find them with multiple obstacles while choosing topics for their research, or while researching for their approach. We know it takes a hundred of articles to reach your objectives and we are here to help you with a few tips for easy and quick fixes
Before writing a thesis, or finalizing their synopsis, students must do detailed research about the available depository in paid and free websites.
If you are a computer science PhD student, then you must visit these websites to gather data. Below is a list of websites where you will be able to find old thesis, implementation pattern and other details which will help you to build your own thesis.
- Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS): With institutional subscription, full text version is available for student’s usage
- BDLP computer science bibliography: Over 4 million articles are available in this website
- Microsoft Academic: This website has over 14 million articles. Abstract, reference and other informations available.
- IEEE Xplore Digital Library: Its content journal of different domains including computer science, electrical engineering, and electronics domain.
- ACM Digital Library: Available in BibTeX, EndNote format. Some of the generic databases available are eThOS, EBSCO, ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, and Open Access Theses and Dissertations.
- INFLIBNET Centre is an India based thesis depository site. This website claims to have over thesis and dissertations from over 455 institutes or universities. There are a few topics are also available in this webpage. US based website Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) provide availability of over million dissertations.
Other sources for Theses related contents are
- Australasian Digital Theses in Trove
- Center for Research Libraries
- DART-Europe E-Thesis Portal
- DissOnline (Germany)
- DiVA (Sweden)
- E-Thesis at the University of Helsinki
- Theses Canada
Tips for Thesis Writing:
Check out the research that has been done. Investigate any gaps in that research. Choose the one that interests you the most once you’ve identified those gaps. Your subject will be this. Once you’ve chosen a topic, be sure to justify its relevance. Write a summary of the literature and discuss how your topic fills a research gap. Decide how you will collect the data needed to close that gap. Explain why you think it is important to close that research gap. This is your suggestion. When you have your proposal ready, send it to the college you want to attend. Before submitting, confirm the format the university prefers for the proposal and adhere to their guidelines.
If you need any guidance regarding PhD topic selection, synopsis writing, thesis writing, article writing, implementation and publishing please reach out to
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