Tips for e-learning

E-learning is not a novel idea; nevertheless, due to the Coronavirus, a large number of students all around the world have been unexpectedly enrolled in online classes without any prior notice.

The platform that your instructors choose to utilize can have a significant impact on how the online curriculum is presented to their students. Some people use Google Classroom, Zoom, Canva, Apex, or who knows what else. Others utilize Canva. These pointers ought to be applicable regardless of the platform you’re using.

Tips for e-learning

  1. Have a specific area set aside for work. At school, you are expected to sit at a desk the entire time. You do not lie down on either your bed or your sofa. If you are attending classes using a virtual learning platform, you should designate an area in your home for studying, such as at a desk or a table. Maintain the order. Keep it supplied. Avoid distracting yourself with food or anything else that has nothing to do with your education.
  2. Make a plan for your time. If you estimate that you have around three hours’ worth of work to complete, plan out when you intend to complete it before you really start working on it. Put it in writing. Make sure you plan out what time you will start as well as what time you will finish. Both humans and your brain benefit from having a regular schedule.
  3. Let’s pretend for the sake of argument that you are… uh, I don’t know… if you were isolated during a pandemic, then time might seem to move at a strange pace for you. There are some for whom time passes quite slowly, while others of us find that it passes much too rapidly. When it comes to e-learning, we can’t put our usual “time management” instincts to use. The time has come to make use of various calendars, timers, planners, and the like. It’s not necessary to plan out every second of your day, but you should at least organize your “school” hours.
  4. Print as much as you possibly can. Everything in e-learning takes the form of digital files. That indicates that you might be looking at a screen for a considerable amount of time in the near future. The instructors will delegate readings such as internet articles, exercises, and sections of textbooks. However, not everyone is successful while using this form of education.
  5. You will always find a means to print your digital readings, regardless of the platform they are on. You can cut and paste content from an online textbook into a Google doc and print that. After that, you can read and annotate the text on physical paper instead of staring at your computer screen.
  6. You can finish the work on the paper, scan the worksheet, and then email it to your teacher as a picture.
  7. You should print the PDFs, so you can write on them and make notes on them. After that, place all of your papers in a folder in the event that you need them again in the future to respond to questions, compose an essay, or take an online test.
  8. If you have no choice but to read digitally, at least make sure you have a mechanism to highlight important passages or take notes on what you read. There are some programs, such as Notability, that provide you the ability to make notes directly on the screen, but that is not a feature that all programs have.
  9. Try using Google Docs’ split screen feature if you’re reading from a screen that doesn’t enable you to take notes. This will allow you to take notes in a separate location while you read the document. You could also copy the original text, put it into a Google Doc, and then as you read it, use the basic features of Google Docs to highlight or bold specific passages as necessary. You might also annotate by using the feature that is labeled “Add Comment,” which is demonstrated in the image that follows.
  10. Use Google Images. If the information that you are trying to learn online isn’t making sense to you for any reason, you can try getting the information in a different method by using Google Images. If you run a search on Google Images rather than just a typical Google search, you will obtain useful visual information that may make more sense to you than the explanations that your instructor is providing.
  11. The search results for Google Image include charts, timelines, infographics, and even lesson plans that were created by other educators and uploaded to the internet for public consumption. Make use of these other sources of information!
  12. Videos are another option that you have available to you. Do not give up if the information presented to you does not make sense, as this is the crux of my argument. Use your resources.
  13. Make sure to turn in your homework on time. It’s fantastic that you’re keeping up with your tasks, but don’t forget to turn them in! 
  14. Employ the use of a text reader. If you have a lot of readings to do online, you can break them up by utilizing a text reader every once in a while. It’s wonderful that you have something powerful like Dragon Naturally Speaking at your disposal (but it costs money). There is an add-on for Google Chrome called Vox that you may download at no cost to your computer. It does so by reading the text included within your Google Docs. Even though it has some flaws, it’s a service worth considering if you have a lot of reading to do and don’t mind having a computer read to you.
  15. Maintain a written record of your assignments. Your online platform may, and this is a wonderful feature if it does, let you know what assignments are coming up and when they are due, but other systems do not provide this information.

Write down all your to-dos on paper so you don’t have to dig around and search for assignments that may get buried beneath other postings. You don’t have to be fancy – use whatever tracking system you would use for traditional in-person school or even just a regular old notebook. 


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