Mandarin Course in Singapore: All the Whys That You Should Know

Being able to articulate our thoughts, feelings, queries, and desires through language is, perhaps, one of the most rewarding aspects of the human experience. Although all living matter that exists on this planet has their own unique means for communication, human beings are far more superior because we use (and have mastered) cognitive language communication. Language is what enables people to communicate with one another and that makes it an integral part of every culture and society. And as globalization closes the gap between diverse cultures and societies, knowing a second language fluently is not only beneficial but also necessary. If you are in Singapore, you should definitely try to learn Chinese at Lingo School of Knowledge. English is the de facto language in Singapore, with a total of 37% of the population using English for communication; Mandarin or Huayu follows closely behind, with 35% of the Singaporean population speaking the language.

For a relatively small island country, Singapore is very linguistically diverse, and from this point of view, the question one should ask is not “what language is spoken in Singapore?” but “which are the languages spoken in Singapore?” (Need a hint? There are more than one!)

The country has four official languages: English, Mandarin, Malay, and Tamil. The first inhabitants in Singapore were Malay but the country existed as a British colony for a great part of its history. Subsequently, its multiethnic population flourished after the British arrived and other traders from China, Sri Lanka, and India entered the picture. Even with four main languages being used by a majority of the population, it is important to note that there are many other minority tongues and dialects that make up the linguistic identity of Singapore, such as Hindi, Javanese, Bengali, Hakka, Min Bei, Orang Seletar, Telugu, Pu-Xian, Min Nan, and Punjabi. There is also the famous Singlish, a colloquial form of English that is widely spoken in the country. Singlish combines local slang and expressions of various dialects and languages of Singapore, making it truly unique and distinct. Nowadays, it is common for citizens in Singapore to speak two or more languages because of its bilingual education policy.

Why is it important to learn a new language?

To put it simply, the knowledge and mastery of one or more languages broadens our horizons. With the wide reach of internet and the ease of global travel, the distance that separates one culture from another has collapsed, giving way to an integrated and interdependent global community. Languages, in fact, serve as the lifeline of globalization. This means that without language, globalization will stagnate and without globalization, world languages will perish. Learning a new language (or languages, because why not?) is the way to effectively function in the modern global arena.

Bilingualism or multilingualism is not a party trick anymore, nor it is just another skill that you add to your curriculum vitae. Now, more than ever, it might just be the most useful life skill that a person can have. Being able to master a foreign language means you can understand what another person is saying, process the grammar and vocabulary, use that grammar and vocabulary in the proper context, and deliver a response that is both appropriate and timely. You have created a connection, and that is the ultimate goal. Learning another language can connect you to a whole new group of people and their culture. Furthermore, as you immerse yourself in a different culture, language helps enhance your personal experience of that culture, which in itself can be profound and life-altering – something that no person should miss on!

Another benefit lies in employment opportunities. As the global economy continues to grow and expand in unimaginable ways, individuals who are fluent in speaking a second language are given priority during the hiring process. If the position you are applying comes with the task of dealing with multinational clients and international travels, the trait will come in handy and will make you a sough-after employee.

Lastly, learning a new language is a great way to open yourself to new ideas and challenges, which has a positive impact in your personal growth. It is something to be proud of and a great confidence-booster, too!

Why should you choose to learn Mandarin?

Approximately 1.1 billion people in the world can speak Chinese in the world, of which 873,000 million speak Mandarin. That nearly one-fifth of the total world population! Learning Mandarin opens a window of opportunity to learn more about one of the most ancient civilizations and its history, culture, philosophical beliefs, and traditions. And let us not forget that China is the second largest economy in the world. Many companies have long-term investments in there, so it will be a huge advantage if you are planning to seek business or employment opportunities in the Chinese market. Consider this as well: some of the world’s top CEOs are learning to speak Mandarin in order to communicate to a larger audience. If those who are already extremely successful in their fields are willing to study Mandarin, so should you! Who knows, Mandarin might be the key to a better future for you.

Mandarin is considered as the official Chinese dialect in Singapore, and it is a good thing that the government is steadfast in promoting it as the country’s primary link to its Chinese roots. Despite the notion that Chinese is a difficult language to study, it is quite easy to get started than you might think. 

Why study at LINGO?

Lingo offers exclusive private Chinese language classes and each class is fully customizable – you can decide when, where, and how long the class should last. Chinese language teachers at Lingo also undergo rigorous screening and training processes before they handle classes. We are very careful and meticulous in selecting our teachers because we want to ensure that their personal character and values are aligned with that of the school. Native Chinese speakers are chosen for the position to maintain the quality and high standards of our Chinese language program.

Lingo School of Knowledge

87 Beach Road

 #03-01 Chye Sing Building

 Singapore 189695


+6253 3320


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